Subscribe to University of Utah Magazine

Please note: This form is for U faculty/staff print circulation only. For off-campus address corrections or other mail-handling updates or special requests, please email

Individual copies also are available on campus:  Print copies of each current issue are distributed on racks at entrances to the Olpin Union, Marriott Library, Student Life Center, David Eccles School of Business, Lassonde Studios, Park Building, University Hospital, and University Orthopaedic Center.

Faculty & Staff Subscriptions

If you have not already subscribed to University of Utah Magazine, sign up now to receive the print edition via campus mail. Once you have entered yourself as a subscriber, you will be subscribed indefinitely by uNID, and all uNIDs will be checked against the Human Resources address list quarterly, before circulation, so all active employee subscribers will receive the magazine at the campus address currently recorded with HR. (You can check the address on record here. To update that address, contact your department HR/PAN form manager.)